应用领域:该产品可渗透进入各种高密度的天然石材,可用于玉石,玛瑙,珊瑚,贝壳等着色处理,同时可用于水泥染色,工业地坪着色。产品特性:1. 渗透力强,能深入石材内层3-8MM,甚至更深,宝石不会掉色或者褪色。2. 增加石材色泽,其色泽稳定,抗酸碱及耐候性好,具有较强的抵抗紫外线能力。3. 颜色丰富,已有黑,枣红,土黄…
也可以拨打 13960228001 客服热线

1. 渗透力强,能深入石材内层3-8MM,甚至更深,宝石不会掉色或者褪色。
2. 增加石材色泽,其色泽稳定,抗酸碱及耐候性好,具有较强的抵抗紫外线能力。
3. 颜色丰富,已有黑,枣红,土黄,蓝色,草绿色等基本色。
4. 有效处理各种石材色差。

1. 将石材彻底清洗干净,充分干燥,必要时,用喷枪加热石材,让石材内部水分充分挥发出来;
2. 在表面均匀的涂布上染色剂或者在石材需要染色的部分涂布上染色剂,保持湿润1-5个小时;必要时采用浸泡可使渗透效果更好;
3. 用水冲洗,同时用毛刷刷去石材表面的浮色,晾干再做养护;
4. 如果需要渗透的更深,在涂染色之前要加热石材使内部水分彻底蒸发出来并延长染色剂的浸泡时间。

1. 使用前请将产品摇匀,如有少许沉淀,属于正常情况,不影响使用以及使用效果;
2. 使用前请穿戴防护手套,避免沾上皮肤和衣服,如若沾上衣服、皮肤,请尽快用大量自来水冲洗;
3. 工作环境保持通风换气,避免大量吸入;
4. 属于可燃物,请远离火源和电火花。

The product can be strong penetration into a variety of high-density natural stone can be used for jade, agate, coral, shells and other coloring treatment, and can be used for dyeing cement, industrial floor coloring.

Product Features:
1. infiltration, can penetrate the stone lining 3-8MM, even deeper, precious stones will not fade or fade.
2. Increase the stone color, the color stability, resistance to acid, alkali and weather resistance, with a strong UV resistance.
3. The rich color, has black, purplish red, yellowish brown, blue, grass green and other basic colors.
4. Effective treatment of various stone color.

1. Place the stone thoroughly cleaned and fully dried, if necessary, using a spray gun heating stone, stone internal moisture sufficiently volatile to make out;
2. The stain on the surface evenly coated or partially coated with stain on the stone needs staining, moist 1-5 hours; if necessary, by immersion enables better penetration;
3. Rinse with water, but with a hair brush to the floating color stone surface to dry do conservation;
4. If you need deeper penetration, before applying stain to heat the stone internal moisture evaporates completely and extend stains soaking time.

Special Reminder:
1. Shake before using the product, if a little precipitation is normal, does not affect the use and effect;
2. Wear before use protective gloves to avoid skin and clothing stained, should the stained clothes, skin, rinse with large amounts of water as soon as possible;
3. The working environment to maintain ventilation to avoid a large number of inhalation;
4. Persons belonging to combustibles, please keep away from fire and sparks.
