详细介绍产品特性:◆ 能渗入石材内部,不在石材表面成膜◆ 能增加石材色泽,使石材颜色更显鲜艳◆ 改善石材色差◆ 能够有效增加石材的色彩和自然纹理,保持石材润湿的感觉◆ 同时赋予石材优良防水性能使用指导:1. 将石材彻底清洗干净,充分干燥;2. 在表面均匀的涂布上(用羊毛刷或者喷枪)石材增色剂;3. 自然晾干,24小时…
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◆ 能渗入石材内部,不在石材表面成膜
◆ 能增加石材色泽,使石材颜色更显鲜艳
◆ 改善石材色差
◆ 能够有效增加石材的色彩和自然纹理,保持石材润湿的感觉
◆ 同时赋予石材优良防水性能

1. 将石材彻底清洗干净,充分干燥;
2. 在表面均匀的涂布上(用羊毛刷或者喷枪)石材增色剂;
3. 自然晾干,24小时内(增艳剂与石材完全反应时间),保持石材不与水分子接触;
4. 处理色差时,可能需要在颜色较浅的地方,反复涂刷几次石材增艳剂,直到石材颜色均匀为止。

Product Features:
1. can penetrate into the stone house, not the stone surface film
2. can increase the stone color, the color of the stone is more bright
3. to improve stone color
4. can effectively increase the stones color and natural texture, keep the stone wet feeling
5. while giving excellent waterproof stone

1. The stone thoroughly cleaned, fully dried;
2. On the surface of a homogeneous coating (wool brush or spray gun) Stone brighteners;
3. Natural drying, within 24 hours (brightening agent and stone complete reaction time), keep the stone is not in contact with water molecules;
4. When dealing with color, the lighter may need to place the stone several times repeated brushing brightening agents, until the stone color uniform.
